html hit counter Around the World: The Olympics ...Is It Worth Missing Soccer For?

Around the World

Me, my husband, our dog and many travels.

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Olympics ...Is It Worth Missing Soccer For?

hmmmm bit of a dilemma here today, usually on Fridays i go to the park and play soccer for 2-3 hours - lots of fun, tons of calories off and great feeling overall. So this is going on every Friday at 5:00PM - but today the Olympics gets on the way and i kinda want to see this stupid ting, so should i stay home, watch the Olympics and probably eat a lot (watching Tv does this to you)? or should i forgot about a bunch of flags and athletes and drive to the park.....

Any suggestions?

3 hours till decision making time - and....counting

posted by orke @ 1:43 PM 


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