html hit counter Around the World: Weekend - hooray

Around the World

Me, my husband, our dog and many travels.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weekend - hooray

This weekend was soooo busy, we had dinner with family which was ofcourse noisy and exhausting.
then we decided to clean our house which was also noisy and
exhausting, and then we went to play squash - which was, once again, noisy and exhausting - but that was fun...

tomorrow - back to work (which as u gueesed will be
noisy and exhausting)

i also decided i want to lose 6 pounds or so - but as someone who really likes her junk and stuff im not sure how that will go - i never watched my diet since i was allways doing sport and ate ALOT!!!!

posted by orke @ 8:48 PM 


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