html hit counter Around the World: WooHoo - trip is final and car as well

Around the World

Me, my husband, our dog and many travels.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

WooHoo - trip is final and car as well

We finally got our trip plan ready - basically it will be something like - landing in Milan - driving to Croatia (platvice park) from there 3 days at bled, bohini lake and triglav park - after that we will visit the dolmites and Venice and after that 3-4 days in Switzerland (center area) - we will visit titlis mountain and the Trambelbach Waterfalls and the close area.

Today we finally made the phone call we postponed for so long and reserved a car for us (it is sooo fucked up that when you get a car in Italy or wherever in Europe it is usually some small crap and when you reserve like the cheapest car in Germany it usually a Mercedes - unreal.

anyway, the order of places will be decided by weather so i guess 2 days or so before our flight we will decide it

Anyway - One week to go and we are out of here.

posted by orke @ 6:29 PM 


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