When Bamby got lost...
Yesterday i was in my room working on something and after 3 hours or so i went upstairs and they told me Bamby had ran away while the door was open 3 HOURS!!!! ago (she usually come back after 10 minutes or so), anyway i got really upset and went outside to look for her but she wasnt there and i got so scared thining what might have happend to her, maybe she got lost or ran over by a car or whatever....yikes.
i decided to take the car, but i didnt really had a clue where to go- maybe she went to the village next to us or maybe she went to the downtown direction - i started driving towards the small village and stoped at the supermarket parking to adjust the mirrors (since i drove really fast they were not really my biggest concern till i relize that i would see her even if she will run after MY car) so i stoped and suddely i saw her walking by the post office, looking around, doesnt really know whats going on or where she was (which is strange since we take her to this place alot - there is a park behind he supermarket), anyway, i called her "BAMBY" and she looked at me and start walking toward the car and i shou again and she suddenly recognized me and the car (i took my dad's car since mine was with my husband out of town) and she ran and jumped into the car...she is just 2 cute :-)
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